Emily's Journey through Stage IV High Risk Neuroblastoma. Please check back often as we will update as often as we can.

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

So yesterday the fever was persistent and continued all day!  It was so weird to see Emily only be in and out of sleep.  She did eat yesterday, not much, but she did eat and she drink a lot of fluids, so I was happy to see that.  She held onto me most of the day.   She was complaining her throat her, so I did ask them to do a strep test and they were adament to wait until today, however I felt it wasn't necessary to wait until today because waiting wasn't going to do anything, so I requested that they do it yesterday.  We should be hearing today if she has RSV or Flu and we should be getting something back on the 24 hour cultures and know what the stat on those are.  

They checked her fever about half an hour ago and it was 102.1 so the temperature is still up.  However overnight, she didn't have anything.  So, she is fighting something.  She also stated that they are going to have to do cultures again since her temperature is still up. 

Dad is going to come and stay with Emily today and I am going to go to work.  It is going to be hard to do this, because I am going to worry all day, but he has the day off so it seems like the right thing to do!   However if anything is going to happen, he will let me know and I will head right over.

We are still waiting for the overnight counts they did at 4AM to come back this morning.  They checked them yesterday at the ER and they were 0.1 for her WBC, so she is still getting the GCSF at the lower dose.  They will not double the dosage until they see that her counts are going up.  We are also waiting on her cultures to come back. at 704AM, her WBC results are still .1.  So we are still trying to get those to come up. I hate seeing her like this.  I really do!

I will update later, as soon as dad gets here, I will be heading to work.

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